federal fudge

I’d like to mention that in my inbox next to my last newsletter email, there’s a bolded note saying ‘Sent 7 days ago. Follow up?’ I guess this is me following up.

I was reading a couple articles anchored around the concept of basal cognition in the past couple days – the title of one was, “Memories Are Not Only in the Brain,” which, in part, states that, “…all cells—even kidney cells—can count, detect patterns, store memories, and do so similarly to brain cells.” Perhaps this is more evidence that the body truly does keep the score? 

I like the idea that every cell stores memories. Do you think they reminisce together? I’m picturing an old red blood cell and white blood cell floating around in a capillary lazy river sipping on amino acid aperitifs, no ice, going, “Remember that time of the great infection? We had it handled, then the antibiotics arrived and nuked everything with extreme prejudice. And those chicken nuggets that kept dismantling everything! We didn’t sleep for 4 days trying to rebuild and regenerate. The new blood doesn’t know what it was like.” This red blood cell and white blood cell are comrades who have grown old together. Suddenly their elder, a stem cell named Aegaeon wanders by, tipping his wizard hat knowingly. The blood cells bow in mutual reverence.

The other, perhaps even more interesting article, was titled, “Brains Are Not Required When It Comes to Thinking and Solving Problems–Simple Cells Can Do It.” 

A fascinating read – one small passage says, “Plants’ most remarkable behavior…they seem to know exactly what form they have and plan their future growth based on the sights, sounds and smells around them, making complicated decisions about where future resources and dangers might be located…” and shortly after the intelligence of a slime mold is discussed.

I wonder if any studies have been done on the interactions between organic plants and fake plants? As in, do the organic plants perceive the fake plants as real? The interaction between human and plant, to me and my bro-science, further exemplifies this aforementioned basal cognition. Many types of cells, not just neurons, seem to have an awareness that we’re in the presence of plants, of organic matter, and thus trigger the body to do certain subtle things which improve our well-being – similarly, I would guess that the plants and organic matter around us are aware of us. Wishful thinking maybe. I’d like to think the plants and soil are aware of my presence when I’m walking through the woods. A big fantasy of mine: to rip up all pavement and concrete nationwide and let the worms and dirt breathe. 

I have been practicing Gamelan only 6 feet away from my nine cactuses. The practice instrument is very resonant – I bet they can feel it and enjoy it. Maybe I’ll bring one of my cactuses to rehearsal so it can listen in. Maybe I will start singing to the cactuses. Maybe I will tell the cactuses about my day.

I want to be around living things. Mostly we are surrounded by dead things. I would love to completely cover my apartment in soil – just buy dozens of bags of soil and dump it everywhere until you can’t see the floor, and guests just think there is no floor, it’s just soil. Then I would plant grass seeds in this soil. I would walk around barefoot and lay in the soil. I would be very healthy, the landlord can go to hell. $38 a month for a mandatory “Resident Benefits Package,” that I haven’t seen one benefit from. As my fullest form of defiance I shall turn my apartment into the outdoors: vines will cover the walls, soil will cover the floor and counters, plants will reign.

I could also create a little island/beach in my apartment. I could fill it with a couple feet of water, then bring in enough sand to make a little isthmus path from my bed to the kitchen. You’ve heard of a waterbed, how about a waterflat? Kick back, relax, and be transported to paradise in Denver’s newest water apartment! Perks include, no electricity, no wifi, no distractions! Just the water and the sand, who learn about you and remember you over the course of your lease. Tell it about your dreams, your crushes, your fears – it’s listening! And it cares.

Warm Regards,

Jacob J. Pomainville


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