I encountered a woman named Energy Wonderful Brickhouse. Then I had a pet baby elephant in my bed.
I dreamt of receiving a spiritual teaching/insight from a wise mountaineer/hermit figure. The mountaineer/adventurer role seemed most prominent from this figure. Not a stereotypical guru or oracle. A white or middle eastern man with roughed up mountaineering clothes, thick ragged beard and hair, fingerless gloves. We were in a dim, large, spacious cave. We were seated. He was showing me a significant page of spiritual/hermetic scripture. On this weathered/browned page were spiritual symbols. The most prominent being a right-facing Hindu svastika, with the four dots. bordered by dual parallel lines on each side. In the center of this page was a simple sentence/parable/zen koan. I'm not sure. The man wanted me to read it and understand it. In the dream, I did. When I awoke, I could not remember it, much as I tried. I know it had significance. The appearance of the hindu svastika, for me, cannot be understated. I have had two Ganesh figurines for the past 10 years, at least. I had my first KAT session yesterday, to which I brought one of these Ganesh figurines. This was one of my altar offerings, along with a nana bell. During the experience I would look the Ganesh figurine in the eyes, and I was unsettled by it. It almost seemed like a bug staring back at me with inhuman eyes. But it was there for me. One of my intentions for the session was to move through spiritual/emotional blockage. Ganesh has multiple features:
- Removal of obstacles
- Resides in the first chakra: ‘The muladhara chakra is the principle on which the manifestation or outward expansion of primordial Divine Force rests. Ganesh holds, supports and guides all other chakras, thereby “governing the forces that propel the wheel of life.”‘
- Lord of letters and learning
- Identified with the Hindu mantra Om. “He personifies the primal sound.”
Apparently, the right-facing hindu svastika symbolizes Ganesh – creation. My Ganesh figurines do not have a svastika on them, and I can’t recall the last time I came across this symbol. The fact that it appeared so clearly and prominently, in the context of this dreamstate spiritual teaching, is very curious. It tells me I am on a fruitful path.
in this dream, I have acquired a new smartphone. this smartphone can be turned into a 500 piece jigsaw puzzle. i take the phone apart into 500 puzzle pieces. someone calls me. the puzzle starts ringing. i am desperately shoving the pieces together to try reforming the phone, but it is not working and i miss the call. someone is waiting for me. i have to call them, but my phone is a puzzle. in the same scene, my childhood dog is alive. i am cuddling and kissing my childhood dog, overjoyed. whoever is expecting me will have to wait. later in the dream i am flying through/above a city in a helicopter with a POV as if I am the helicopter.
for some reason i beat the everloving crap out of one of my coworkers who i have no problems with in real life. i unleash fury on them. usually these dreams end there. this time, the dream keeps going. i am charged with assault and battery. i feel that my life is over. i vividly think “there’s no way I’m going to be able to talk this down to a parking ticket”
in an unknown building in the late evening, at some kind of higher class party/soirée. at some point we suddenly witness a terrible helicopter crash. "holy shit" i keep saying over and over. we're all looking up at the night sky. like something out of a sci-fi film, lights begin illuminating jarringly in the sky. light after light is revealed - they are foreign stealth bombers that have been hovering above for who knows how long. they have revealed themselves and terror sets in to us all. they start dropping bombs. total dread. my legs are injured and bloody but I'm somehow alive, and then i awake and realize i'm fully alive
i have the opportunity to play piano for philip glass in his private home. i am going to play his etude no. 6 but of course it's a dream and the piano keys are all messed up and i can't move my fingers properly so i fail miserably and philip glass is waiting expectantly forevermore
boar-sized bulbous brown spider scurrying too fast for comfort. don't ya hate that
extremely powerful ocean waves crash through windows into the rooms in which we stand. the sense is that this is fully anticipated and normal, occurring intermittently. There were a couple instances of this. I’d hold on to a railing for dear life, the waves being an ounce of force away from rendering me powerless and carrying me with them to the depths. Visceral feeling
runaway car with no one in it. crowd of people helps stop it, i run over to see if i can help but i'm a little late so i get back in my car and wait for the scene to clear. A purple haired punkrock type woman tries getting into the back seat of my car. I unlock the door and let her in. Someone gets in but it’s not her. Suddenly the atmosphere outside my car has completely changed. there is a man standing outside my drivers side door. Tall, lanky, but handsome and calculated. Very pale and bony facial features. HUGE teeth. His teeth are at least an inch to an inch and a half long. Not pointed teeth, just very very white and very long teeth, almost like he doesn’t have gums and it’s all teeth. I notice he does have gums but they are very slim. Wearing all black (very high end suit) smooth slick backed hair. He has ill intentions and is talking menacingly to me. I act like I’ve dealt with him before and brush off his remarks and tease him until I roll up the window of the car (and when I do he snaps and bares his teeth and makes a little shriek/growl.) The unfazed woman who is in the backseat behind me (who changed from the other punkrock girl) is a beautiful pale woman who looks like she’s dressed in fancy 30s garb. The two are clearly a pair, a dynamic duo (siblings maybe?) She says things suggesting that we’re going to be seeing a lot of each other. She has a menacing tone as well but I get the sense that nothing that bad will actually happen. The aesthetic of this scene is very bright and a little quirky as if it’s a Wes Anderson type film, which may explain the lack of visceral danger. The following scene I was in a 60s flat watching Jack Kerouac sitting on a couch writing. His mother stopped in who he ignored, and I knew he would regret treating her this way. The “screen” in my dream switches to a screen that shows a little rollercoaster with a double sided arrow pointing to two different movies, or stories. A film reel sound clicks on and the right movie is engaged and the rollercoaster car starts rolling towards that one. Two interconnected movies? Gosh I wish I could remember the titles because they were great. The previous “movie” before this one had something to do with an apartment, a diner, a milkshake, hiding things, secrecy and slight paranoia. There was a picture of the back of me in the paper because I attended some special function at the diner. This seems like a film I would really enjoy: presumably a 3-4 hour film that's basically two separate quirky films connected with each other in some way with a lot of humor and FUN and thoughtful commentary
i was reliving the same walk to and from my fictional apartment in an unknown city. paranoia reigned. when i would walk back to my apartment, i would be accosted and followed by a belligerent, vocal man who would stop eventually, then i would have to make my way through a crowd of other rowdy, belligerent men. when i would finally get back inside my apartment on the second floor of the building, i would sense very strongly that someone had been in my apartment, and had even left things behind, like Wonderbread.
i dreamt up an indie movie. simply magical. i wish i could remember more. i was alternating between telling someone the plot of the movie and being in the imagined movie from a first person pov. the only vague image i remember is swimming near the ocean floor and seeing colorful reefs and vegetation while a romantic orchestral piece played. the movie had a similar vibe to The Worst Person In The World, which I would recommend if you haven't seen it. i feel like the worst person in the world sometimes. it's interesting how nearly everyone feels that way about themselves at some point. anyway, if i remembered all of the scenes and plot points of this dreamed movie i would script it all out and try to get it filmed asap. then again, i've seen things born from dreams turn into naïve disasters. i remember an episode of Kitchen Nightmares where the restaurant owner came up with some weird recipe for something that came from a dream. but i am not deterred from that possibility. i love dreams, i love following intuition and fantastical things born from the mind. for example, i've been seeing the number 444 a lot in the past couple weeks. i looked this up and the first thing that pops up is "444 is a sign that one should keep faith and that the angels are watching over one. They have taken it on themselves to guide one to a brighter future. If one sees this number, especially if it recurs, it is an indication that one should give up all doubts on issues related to ambitions and act decisively." No harm in following that advice!
driving in an SUV, always an SUV - im stopped at a vast intersection; half of the road has collapsed, not possible to drive over the massive fault that has formed in the road, though a couple cars try: one somehow barely makes it, the next car simply goes nose down into the crater and gets stuck. a blur of events. next thing in memory is my car is now over the crater and in a tunnel full of water. im outside the car, in the water now, and somehow able to push the car through the water with ease, out the other end of the tunnel to dry salvation. another blur of events. next i'm in a large cabin house, like a summer camp type of setup, joking around with all the people there. De Gea from Manchester United is there waiting in a soccer goal, and i take a brilliant shot that makes its way past him into the goal. instant replay on the screens, commentary and all. De Gea makes a funny comment referencing an inside joke we share
jolted awake by loud zen bell donging in my mind
middle of the plains somewhere, cloudy. driving down a long driveway. i go over 90 degree, 10 foot drop but neither i nor the vehicle are affected. middle-aged woman greets me in the driveway, talks about something. she leaves down the driveway, i'm alone outside the house now. i go back to the 90 degree 10 foot drop in the driveway. try to climb up but can't. i wait a while, the woman comes back; i'm back in the driver's seat and she's standing outside of the car. suddenly the vehicle and i are thrown hundreds of feet up and backward in the air as the woman watches. the g-force and vertigo are visceral. i am not awoken like usual, and Me in the dream wants to see how i land and what happens next - half-aware of the dream but not quite lucid. instead of landing on the ground, i'm suddenly in a different setting entirely. inside a large building, like a mall entrance with long escalators and stairs in front of me. hundreds of people are crowded at the bottom and top of the stairs, armed and dangerous, playing some type of war game. i make my way to the farthest staircase to the left, trying to skirt by the games. i'm heckled by some but i make it to the top. there is one woman who is acting as a friend/ally to me, different from the one in the last scene. it's revealed that there are dozens of floors going up and up and down and down via escalators and stairs, full of armed people playing these lethal games. i go through this maze of floors, down down down. the woman coaches me on escaping. i find a lift/pedestal in the middle of the bottom floor that goes all the way to the top when stood on, which i do. halfway up, i jump off the pedestal onto a random floor upon the woman's instruction. i wish there were a satisfying conclusion/point to this dream, but when is there?
oliver stone was my history professor. seemed to be either a high school or community college. he was a jolly fellow and seemed beloved by all students. i went up to his desk at one point and had an exchange of jokes, can't remember what. had one of those frustrating dream moments at one point in which you can't speak when you try to. i'd been watching a couple documentaries and interviews of his that night so he being a central figure of the dream seems logical
3rd hotel dream - was driving the 1990 chevy 1500 pickup i had in high school. driving down the flats toward shine hill. i have probably half a pound of magic mushrooms in the passenger side of the bench seat. cops are coming up shine hill lightsflashingsirenswailing in pursuit of someone else - i think they're after me, panic - foolishly ditch the truck at the top of shine hill and start running through the cut corn field. 5 seconds later a cop cuts me off, pistol drawn and pointed at yours truly and i throw my hands up not about to put up a fight. next thing i know is i'm in prison but the prison is essentially a defunct schoolhouse-turned-prison, bars and all. (we live in a society). the cell i'm in is a classroom and i'm sharing it with 4-5 others. CP being one of em. she's happy to see me and i determine there are worse circumstances to be in. nonetheless, i'm the only one bothering everyone with "how do i get out of here?" and of course there's no answer
2nd hotel dream - walking in unfamiliar woods with DH. expansive but quiet. DH bumps into a bear cub, i'm looking on from a few yards away. look over to the left and mother bear is nearby. "back away" i say to DH. he starts backing away with his hands up, cub is curious. i turn around and there's a tiger looking at me. DH starts running from the cub. "don't run!" i yell, but immediately after this utterance DH morphs into a bear himself - the ultimate camouflage
i always remember dreams vividly when sleeping in a hotel. 1st hotel dream - was working in a restaurant that the 45th potus owned and managed. he was running the place personally that night. sort of an indoor/outdoor club, night-time with purple aesthetics. i seemed to be a busser/runner. seemed to really enjoy it - surprising, given my previous restaurant experience. the presence of the previous potus was interesting. years ago, during the 44th potus's terms, i had several recurring dreams over the course of years, perhaps once every 1-2 months, in which the 44th potus would sit with me and give me life advice and words of wisdom. never remembered anything he said, but felt extremely comforted after each of these occurrences. a warm feeling. a positive father figure type of interaction. ended up writing him after a handful of these dreams. got a response - though it wasn't from him, i've held onto it
perfect summer day, blue sky and sun bright but not overbearing. i'm seated in the right rear passenger seat of an suv parked at the top of driveway from childhood home. Mm is in driver's seat, R in front passenger seat. M in a car seat next to me, 1-2 years old. Nn, a dozen years younger than current age, standing at the open left rear passenger door, with D, who is alive and wisely unassuming as was always the case. seems like a glimpse into an alternate timeline, one of septillions. we all seem focused on little M sittinglaughing in the car, radiating unadulterated joy that can't help but warm the core of our souls. Nn & D look on with pure admiration. we all do. it's all love, direct with no interference. we seem to sit for around 10 minutes in this state, exchanging words here and there that i do not recall. what wakes me is the emergence of wasps wandering into the suv. i begin waving my arms around and telling Mm to drive to get away from them. i wake in the midst of this at around 5:30am and do not return to sleep. i laid there for 40 minutes or so to bask in this feeling of warm love remaining from the dreamworld. a rare instance of waking in the middle of the night or early morning and feeling bliss, as opposed to the existential terror of this huge unimaginable everythingness looming over this strange perception/experience i call Me - feeling this buzzing, mind-stretching, fuzzy monolithic dread that perhaps it all really is unfeeling and this whole Dopamine Game Show™ is the most terrifying part of the whole Big unexplainable Goings-On. if lucky, fall back asleep and remember to brush teeth some hours later. refreshing to feel the bliss that some strange dreams give.
i’m not sure why people say they hate being told about people’s dreams. it’s one of my favorite things to hear/talk about. so be my guest!
last night i had a couple of interesting ones, both somewhat unpleasant. the type that make your brain say “no thank you,” and prod you back to the waking world.
in the first, i was at what was presumably a traditional thanksgiving dinner in someone’s basement. they had a very dark, gothic themed basement. kind of a cool atmosphere, honestly. i don’t recall looking into anyone’s faces so i’m not sure if i knew anyone there. someone served us all our food in a dish, with the traditional thanksgiving grub. i looked into my dish and realized there was no turkey in it, but everyone else got turkey. i was a little disappointed but i didn’t care all that much. the feasting passes, everyone’s getting up from the table, when his holiness Gordon Ramsay himself comes out from the kitchen, accosts me as I’m about to get up, and says aggressively, “you’re not pissed that Tommy didn’t give you turkey?” i was startled and stumbled over my words. “are you not pissed that you didn’t get turkey?” he says again with an accusatory tone. i was at a loss for words. he then aggressively hands me a plate with a little turkey on it and says something like, “well here’s your f*cking turkey” and walks away disgusted. still confused, i sat down and cut into the turkey. i’m not kidding, it was raw on the inside! i was even more confused. my brain woke me up shortly after.
the second dream was a bit more unpleasant. i was back in my grade school for some event, with my mom and nana. lots of people were packed in the small school, wandering the halls. out of nowhere we hear a boom somewhere in the school. we panic and start running down a hallway. two extremely frightening men are lumbering towards us from the other end of the hallway. “oh thank god, the police!” my mom cries out. “mom those are the bomb people!” i yell, and we quickly do a 180 and start fast walking the opposite way. i wish i could visually recreate what those men looked like, because they would actually make some badass Batman or other universe villains. anyways, it’s too late for us, and we realize we’re trapped with the rest of this massive crowd, villains dotted around us. i look down and see a walkie-talkie-looking device strapped to my pant waist. “you are all free to go. we will be detonating the explosives attached to you all at random.” they didn’t ask for a ransom or anything. after that announcement, my brain said “no thank you” and woke me up. i had a bit of a headache when i woke up. i lied there half-asleep for probably ten minutes thinking about how i would realistically get out of that scenario, or how the device attached to my hip worked, and how i could remove it. even if they’re unpleasant, i’m happy when i remember my dreams. dream on dreamer