pumpkin quesadilla

We always hear about the horror of puppy mills, but no one ever talks about ant farms. Why are we raising new ants when there are billions without a home? Actually, upon a quick search, it appears that there are estimated to be around 20 quadrillion ants on the planet right now. If every human simply adopted around two million ants, no ant would be left out in the cold. #AdoptAnAnt

On top of that, ants have been dealing with a monarchical form of government for the last 150 million years – they have enough on their plate. I saw a line of ants marching down a sidewalk the other day. I’m assuming it was a march for worker’s rights.

I’ve only seen small ants in Colorado. Not sure why this is. I remember there being much larger ants in the Northeast, ones that might make your hair stand on end. I do think it’s cool seeing an ant carrying a little leaf or crumb.

What if bugs had car horns? Just having a peaceful walk in the middle of a field when you hear an F-350 horn right behind you, and it’s a beetle telling you to get out of the way. The outdoors would be loud as hell.

Bugs are the most unfairly reviled beings on the planet. I saw a van the other day with the words ‘PEST ARREST’ on it. It was flying around the corner of an intersection, tires screeching, presumably in hot pursuit of a mosquito. What if we actually arrested bugs? For disturbance of the peace, public nuisance, or public indecency. What would a bug prison look like? Flies and moths could just be put in a human prison cell, since they can’t even figure out how to get out of a giant window to save their lives. What conditions would cockroaches complain about in bug prison?

Modern humans have only been around for 150,000 – 200,000 years, while bugs have been around for almost 500 million years – it’s a bit unfair that we try to eradicate them when we just showed up. That’d be like driving across state lines, walking into a stranger’s house, saying, “Wow these people are annoying,” and then burning their house down. I guess that’s what colonizers do. But to end on a positive note, I’ve been seeing a relatively decent number of swallowtail butterflies in the past few weeks, which is always a pretty sight. Also if bugs had accents I feel like moths would have Canadian accents.


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