dog chasing the email-man

The traffic smelled like toast today and the sun was spread onto it like butter.

The biggest elephant in the room across generations of American society is that the cherry is the most overrated fruit in the country – a dead, dystopian, old-world weapon of propaganda manufactured to forcefeed the ideal bourgeois image and outdated paradigms in general. Have you noticed this? Its culturally imposed ties to promiscuity, be it referencing the anatomy, tying a cherry with your tongue, “she’s my cherry pie,” and other popular imbecilic media references and so on. “Life is just a bowl of cherries,” “pretty please with a cherry on top,” “cherry picking,” “and the cherry on top was…” Survey the people in your life to see what they think of cherries – barely anyone considers them among their favorite fruits. Across the nation, facades of fatuous luxury estates, cul de sacs, and districts are littered with titles containing “Cherry __,” as if it’s something to be coveted. Cherries have a high sugar content, and if you munch on some of the pits, you conjure some cyanide, so the cronies and phonies can have ’em. I’d rather live in Raspberry Creek.


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