
i will address everything wholeheartedly as it arises and not a moment before. this breath is the most important breath i’ve ever taken. this step i take with my foot is the most important step i’ve ever taken. and the next, and the next. what is happening right now will never happen again. every single passing moment is the best thing that’s ever happened.

You are me and i am you, now what do we do? Dance. (DH would say this, beautiful being.) it is the one answer. love is the only idea. the idea that requires no thought. i’m not bothered by philosophies or opinions. i don’t want to put on a show. i don’t want to be right. love is all there is, all there was, and all there ever will be. ‘feeling is first,’ ee says. live by it.

The mind is the sole object that either serves or impedes all things within and without the individual self. At the base level of consciousness it is a monumental, immovable object that is virtually imperceptible due to its sheer size and scope; it’s impossible to tell how exactly it is affecting every morsel of our experience because it has blanketed everything in an invisible veil that is tinting our perceptions in various ways, unhelpful ways. The next level is awareness of the mind’s machinations and thusly poking holes in the veil and recognizing how it is tainting every flavor of our experience and beliefs. The mind is simultaneously real and not real, and therefore one of the most elusive and powerful objects/tools in existence. Once we realize what the mind is doing, we can either attempt to shape it to our beneficial will or recognize it for what it is and ignore/move past it, and let it be it’s erratic illogical self in the corner. I say opt for the latter – attempting to sculpt the mind to one’s will does not create a new work of Michelangelo, it simply results in a new prison constructed around oneself. We built the prison ourselves though, we should be proud. Why are we convinced that thinking/worrying is productive or serves any purpose whatsoever? It serves nothing, it is a complete waste of life. The mind is a toxic buffer between the experiencer and the experience, though of course there is no separation. (The modern hominid is in the business of distinction, by men of Distinction©) The path takes time and discovery. How deep the roots of its tendrils go. But how quickly can they be dissolved by putting in a little effort bit by bit, or going to a new side of the neighborhood (where the grass is rosé and everything’s okay.)

one of many creative desires: to create the poetry/prose version of Malevich’s Black Square, Rauschenberg’s White Paintings, Cage’s 4’33”. instinct says this would be a blank page, or a book of blank pages. this won’t do. there are other yet-to-be-realized ways that will come in time. the best thing to do is whatever is being done right now. do something without purpose or direction.

the only knowable things are sensations – not the sensations themselves, but the awareness that the sensations are there. underneath the sensations, the infinite. something beyond comprehension is occurring and being experienced – true understanding is futile beyond this. nothing is knowable. the aforementioned types of creation reveal a miniscule, clouded window into the infinite for a fleeting moment within. the more that is turned away from, the more wisdom that is cultivated. everything is a presentation. the wisest being in the world is the being reading this. and this. and this. the being who’s breath and pulse is being felt right now. and now. and now. now.

nothing can be known until it is experienced firsthand. abandon familiarity completely.

an original thought must be pursued to its end.